Specialist Advice Services
We have casework services in the following areas:
Energy Advice
Referral arrangements apply for all these services.
Through a contract with Southend-on-Sea Borough Council we are able to offer specialist welfare benefits advice.
Money And Pensions Service (MAPS)
Through the Money Advice Service Debt Advice Project we are able to offer a debt casework service.
Housing & Debt
We have a Legal Aid contract in Housing, for clients requiring specialist help who are financially eligible for legal aid, and where the matter is within scope of legal aid, as defined by the Legal Aid Agency. We operate the Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme at Southend County Court available for anyone who has a possession action listed that day.
We have a Rent Arrears project with South Essex Homes for tenants whose rent arrears have reached the point where repossession action is being considered.
Our immigration caseworker is authorised by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) to provide immigration advice and offer immigration services at Level 2. This OISC accreditation covers asylum and immigration work.