Get advice

We provide advice and assistance to people who mainly live in the Southend area.

Over the last 12 months we’ve supported 18,404 clients from ages 15 to 99, handling 61,140 issues. We’ve answered over 13,000 telephone calls, assisted over 10,000 people face-to-face, and responded to over 700 letters and web chats.

Through our services, from energy efficiency improvements to debt restructuring, we've helped our clients regain a total of £12,416,018.

Face to face (walk-in)

Monday to Friday 10am – 3pm
When you first come to see us about a new issue, we will ask you to wait for an initial interview to assess your situation. Sometimes it is possible to deal fully with the issue in that interview, otherwise an appointment may be made for you to see one of our Generalist Advisers or possibly a Specialist Adviser, or, you may be referred to another agency who can deal with the issue better than we can.
For some services, such as changes of name, statutory declarations, making a simple will, or if you just want a leaflet or a telephone number, we will make the necessary arrangement for you straight away.

Web chat

Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm
You can have a live chat with an adviser about your problem through the Citizens Advice web chat service. The service is usually available between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.


Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm
We work with other local Citizens Advice services to provide our Adviceline telephone service Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm. If your call goes through to another local service and you require further help from us they will pass your information onto us and we will contact you within two working days. The Adviceline number is 08082 78 79 78


If, for any reason, you cannot come to see us or use our telephone or web chat service, please complete our initial enquiry form and we will get back to you within 2 working days.

Self help

We also encourage people to use our online free advice site from Citizens Advice, where you will find information that will help you solve most of the problems that you face.

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Other Services

In addition to our general advice and information service and our specialist advice services, we are currently able to offer the following services:

  • Income Wise 65+

  • Statutory Declarations including change of name (over 16s only)

  • Bankruptcy applications

  • Power of attorney – clients are guided to make their own application

We also support the following organisations to deliver their services:

  • The Royal Association for Deaf People offers a weekly advice service on Fridays at our offices (or book a home visit)

  • Talking Newspapers use our offices on Thursdays to undertake their weekly recordings.

  • Macmillan Cancer Support - At our offices, or Southend Hospital

  • Trussell Trust - Foodbank Support